I particularly like Chanel 2.55 bags, but surprisingly I’m drawn into Chanel Classic Flap the most in this collection. Absolutely love the Chanel Classic Flap. I think the design gives a youthful balance to the more mature, serious croc leather.
Even if you don’t count yourself among Chanel’s fans, you have to admit that there are a few things Karl & Co. do very well. Chiefly among them are the gorgeously detailed and Chanel bags that the company releases every season in its Outstanding Pieces capsule collection, which is exactly what it sounds like – the best of the best from one of the world’s remarkble Chanel brands.
I pick one thing that I am coveting greatly. But this week, all I want is Chanel. This Chanel bag will bring a smile and an intense sense of yearning to everyone who sets their eyes on it. No matter what it looks like outside my window, the Chanel Classic Flap makes everything right in my world today.
The following are stars wearing Chanel Flap bags:
Whether she’s shopping, hitting the salon or touting one of her many business ventures, one thing is certain: Kim Kardashian always looks pretty damn fabulous. This week was no exception, as she arrived back at her hotel in London after a night out. From her plush looking black coat and berry colored dress to the always classic, inimitably chic Chanel 2.55 handbag in her grasp, she’s the picture of perfection.
It appears that the ultra-stunning Nicky Hilton has skipped right passed spring and jumped head first into summer. At least, her last gas-getting outfit looks that way! She was recently spotted pumping gas in some sassy sailor shorts, a loose-fitting tank, open toe wedges, and of course that ravishing, red Chanel Flap Bag. Her look was even topped off with a bright red mani/pedi, bold black sunglasses, and a fun fedora. I know the weather has been crazy this year, but I’m not sure I’m ready for summer yet. Her style is usually bold, sharp and sexy, hence the Chanel handbag.
Leann Rimes and Her Chanel Handbag. The newlywed, who is fresh off her surprise nuptials to actor Eddie Cibrian, made sure to show off her five-carat rock as she landed in Toronto this past week. It’s no secret Leann loves Chanel just as much as she loves the cameras, as evidenced by her plush white quilted Chanel bag. I daresay that is the only thing I like about this whole ensemble.