We’ve given tons and tons of love to Boy Chanel Bags, and each and every positive word is well deserved. I wasn’t sure upon first look if I was a fan of the more subdued and casual bags, but after some time to ponder the design, I was hooked. It seems as though I’m not alone. In fact, Chanel has found a way to make the Boy Bags an integral part of its accessory offering.
Since it’s Wednesday, and all Wednesdays have a tendency to make me both happy for the upcoming weekend and a little bummed that it isn’t already Friday, I figured I’d share a drool-worthy gallery of Boy Chanel Bags. Honestly, if I had it my way, I would have an entire row of Boy Chanel bags in my closet, just waiting to be taken out and carried anywhere and everywhere. And if these Boy Bags don’t meet your fancy, try to take a peek at the Fall 2012 bags that will be released soon, major swoon!
Since it’s Wednesday, and all Wednesdays have a tendency to make me both happy for the upcoming weekend and a little bummed that it isn’t already Friday, I figured I’d share a drool-worthy gallery of Boy Chanel Bags. Honestly, if I had it my way, I would have an entire row of Boy Chanel bags in my closet, just waiting to be taken out and carried anywhere and everywhere. And if these Boy Bags don’t meet your fancy, try to take a peek at the Fall 2012 bags that will be released soon, major swoon!