
Celebrities and Their Chanel Bags

You are not a true handbag aficionado without a few Chanel bags in your closet, especially the Chanel Classic Flap Bag or Chanel 2.55 handbag. Unquestionably, Chanel has created many timeless bags in various styles, sizes and colors, and Chanel the brand is undoubtedly one of the most famous brands among the fashion world. Chanel bags are the most coveted bags for nearly every woman; the celebrities are of course no exception.
Chanel bags are the true celebrity style handbags. Famous actresses and models such as Alanis Morissette, Anne Hathaway, Blake Lively, Diane Kruger, January Jones, Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Alba, Katy Perry, Lily Allen, Mary Kate, Miley Cyrus, Rachel Bilson, and Sarah Jessica and may more, really show their strong affinity for Chanel bags.
Among these starlets, Diane Kruger and Rachel Bilson can be said as Chanel aficionado since they own various Chanel bags and carry them to different occasions, while Blake Lively, as the face of Chanel, sure will show stronger affection to various Chanel bags.
Chanel Handbags in Various Styles and Sizes
Diane Kruger with Her Various Chanel Bags in Different Occasions
Diane Kruger is quite the Chanel aficionado. She has been featured in Chanel advertisements, and she is one of Chanel designer Karl Lagerfeld’s favorite ladies. She is constantly seen head-to-toe in Chanel. Here are some of her Chanel collections. Below is her favorite creamy Chanel 2.55, it seems that this creamy shoulder bag is her accessory staple since it is constantly seen on so many different occasions.
Diane Kruger with Her Favorite Creamy Chanel Classic Flap

Diane Kruger with Her Favorite Creamy Chanel Classic Flap Bag in Various Occasions
Rachel Bilson shows great interest in Chanel bags, too. She has been seen many times with the classic Chanel 2.55 in grey colors, as in the picture below. Of course she has more than one Chanel bags besides the classic one. She also loves the Boy Chanel Tote.

e Grey Chanel Classic Flap Bag

Rachel Bilson with Her Favorite Chanel Classic Flap Bag in Grey Color
Rachel Bilson spotted attending an office building in West Hollywood, CA
Rachel Bilson with Her White Color Boy Chanel Tote

Blake Lively is the face of Chanel, so it’s no surprise to see her carrying various Chanel bags.
Blake Lively is the Face of Chanel
As the Face of Chanel, Blake Lively Has Many Chanel Bags in Various Styles and Sizes

Chanel 2.55 or classic flap handbag is most popular in recent years. It is simple yet beautiful and elegant, a true timeless IT Bag. Its fabulous quality allows wearing for decades. Most of the girls mentioned above have Chanel Classic flap bags in same or different colors. Of course, the black color Chanel 2.55 is still the hottest one.
The Chanel 2.55 in Different Colors
Alanis Morissette with Her Classic Chanel 2.55 in Different Colors

Chanel Classic Flap on Anne’s Shoulder
Anne Hathaway Carrying Her Chanel Classic Flap Bag

January Jones Wear Her Chanel Cross-body
January Jones Wear Her Classic Black Chanel 2.55

The Black Color Chanel Classic Flap
Jessica Alba sometimes will wear her black color Chanel Classic Flap Bag

Chanel Classic Flap in Black Color
Katy Perry Looks Pretty in Her Black Color Chanel Classic Flap Bag

The Chanel Classic Flap Bag in Brilliant Red Color
Mary Kate Carrying Her Chanel 2.55 in Red Color

Miley Cyrus Wear Her Chanel as Messenger Bag
Miley Cyrus carries her Chanel Classic Flap Bag often and looks quite charming with it

Black Color Chanel Bag
Lily Allen Attended the Pre-BAFTA Dinner with Her Chanel Classic Flap Bag

